Our thinking follows quantum laws

We are talking about thought, not biology: this study does not say that the brain and its billions of neurons are a quantum physical system, but that our thinking, the way we treat information, the way we learn and make choices, follows a quantum logic.

It’s been a few years since the idea made its way, but never before has it been supported by such robust evidence: an international team has just confirmed, with brain imaging in support, that our thinking follows quantum laws.

Read full article on Science et Vie.


Some colors boost your brain

Existing research reports inconsistent findings with regard to the effect of color on cognitive task performances. Some research suggests that blue or green leads to better performances than red; other studies record the opposite. Current work reconciles this discrepancy. We demonstrate that red (versus blue) color induces primarily an avoidance (versus approach) motivation (study 1, n = 69) and that red enhances performance on a detail-oriented task, whereas blue enhances performance on a creative task (studies 2 and 3, n = 208 and 118). Further, we replicate these results in the domains of product design (study 4, n = 42) and persuasive message evaluation (study 5, n = 161) and show that these effects occur outside of individuals’ consciousness (study 6, n = 68). We also provide process evidence suggesting that the activation of alternative motivations mediates the effect of color on cognitive task performances.

Read it in science mag.


Well-being by walking


Did you know that walking benefits your body and your mind?


Remember, we talked already in another article about the necessity of relaxing body and mind to feel at ease. And well, there is a magical activity which works on these two sides. And you know what? This activity, you can practice it anytime, day or night, and there is no need to buy specific equipment to do it. That’s because it is just about… walking! Let’s go and see what are the miraculous benefits of walking, on the body and mind.


There are specific routes well designed to get in touch with our predecessors ( pilgrimages, for example, are routes that numerous men walked on for centuries) or our contemporaries (meeting other walkers is frequent on many hiking paths, and the stories which you will live during your pedestrian holidays can be shared with your colleagues when you will come back to work!). Also, it is obvious that walking in nature is more pleasant than walking in town (you have a better contact with your environment, contact which can be improved by walking barefoot: to walk barefoot is an interesting experience, but which must be done in good conditions. Avoid going alone, take a pair of shoes and a medical kit with you, and, of course, go walk in a “clean” place (for example, cities are not appropriate for this exercise!). However, what’s magic, is that if you just walk in a non-specific way, for example to go home after work, you’ll already benefits all these virtues, even if it is to a lesser extent.


From a very concrete point of view, walking in whatever environment generates unsuspected physiological profits. Actually, the WHO insists heavily on the benefactions of walking in its ” World Recommendations on the physical activity for the health” edited in 20101. Furthermore, in 2012, the WHO has listed and validated all the modern studies on the benefactions of walking2. It recommends in particular to everyone to make at least 10000 steps a day (it takes approximately 10 minutes to make 1000 steps). Here are listed some of the physical benefactions: reinforcement of muscles and fortification of bones, improvement of the vital capacities, reduction of the risks of heart attack, stimulation of the immune system, decrease of the risk of AVC, reduction of the risk of breast and colon cancer, and of the type 2 diabetes … In brief, according to the WHO, the settled way of life is the 4th world cause of “avoidable deaths”! …

But the most beautiful is that walking also has an action on the mind: it improves memory, attention, creativity, because walking improves, among others, the irrigation of the brain (and as a consequence, its functionning2).

We made the tour of the walking subject. And now on, let’s go!

Look further / Useful link(s)


1■ http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/44436/1/9789242599978_fre.pdf

2■ Ca m’intéresse, may 2017, article “Les bienfaits de la marche” (FR)

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When people sleep more they also eat less sugar…

and 2 other news we found for you.


When people sleep more they also eat less sugar and carbs

Want to eat better? Sleep more. Increasing the amount of sleep a person gets has been linked to eating fewer sugary foods, and making better nutritional choices.
Wendy Hall, at King’s College London, and her team enlisted 42 volunteers to help them investigate the link between sleep and diet. Half the participants were given advice on how to get more sleep – such as avoiding caffeine before bed, establishing a relaxing routine, and trying not to go to bed too full or hungry. This advice was intended to help them boost the amount of sleep they each got by 90 minutes a night. The remaining 21 volunteers received no such advice.
The team found that, of those who were given the advice, 86 per cent spent more time in bed, and around half slept for longer than they used to. These extended sleep patterns were associated with an average reduction in the intake of free sugars of 10 grams a day. People who were getting more sleep also ate fewer carbohydrates. There were no significant changes in diet in the control group.

Read article on newscientist.


A reboot for chronic fatigue syndrome research

Research into this debilitating disease has a rocky past. Now scientists may finally be finding their footing.
After decades of pleading, people with the condition have finally caught the attention of mainstream science — and dozens of exploratory studies are now under way. Scientists entering the field are using the powerful tools of modern molecular biology to search for any genes, proteins, cells and possible infectious agents involved. They hope the work will yield a laboratory test to diagnose ME/CFS — which might have several different causes and manifestations — and they want to identify molecular pathways to target with drugs.
Read article on nature.


When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing review

– timely guide Daniel H Pink’s engaging book reveals the best times of day to make optimum décisions.

In 2011, two Cornell researchers, Michael Macy and Scott Golder, began an unusual project. They gathered approximately 500m tweets that had been posted by more than 2 million users in 84 countries over the previous two years. Then they subjected these tweets to careful analysis.
The sociologists’ aim was straightforward. The pair wanted to measure how people’s feelings varied from morning until night and, by using an analysis program called Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC), they attempted to measure the emotional states revealed by individuals in the electronic texts they sent. The patterns that were uncovered were striking.
Macy and Golder found that with remarkable consistency – and regardless of time of year – people’s positive emotions rose in strength as the morning progressed and then fell significantly in the afternoon, before climbing back in the evening. “Whether a tweeter was North American or Asian, Muslim or atheist, black, white or brown, it didn’t matter,” Daniel Pink tells us. “Across continents and time zones was the same daily oscillation – a peak, a trough and a rebound.”

Read article on theguardian.


2018: From now on, I shall hold my good resolutions!


1 year. It is the time required by the Earth to turn around the Sun. The time for the seasons to pass, as well as the twelve Zodiac constellations. And then the Earth, with us, returns to its starting point. Almost. Because the cosmic hazards infer an approximation, the Earth, every year, does not begin its new revolution from the same starting point than the year before. Every new cycle is different from the precedent. Also, we too, every year, take a new start again. Better than the precedent if it is possible. With new good resolutions to hold, just to move forward in life.

The good resolutions are a projection of what we want to be. Therefore, they are halfway between the artless wish and the proactive initiative. And if the dream is essential to make us rise to our aspirations, the action is also necessary. Without action, we shall live the same solar cycle each and every year. But, as human nature is lazy, most of the time the wish takes it over on the action. Everyone can take good resolutions, but not everyone manages to hold those! Indeed, every year we all would like to change our lives. And every year, the long-awaited important change does not occur, for lack of organized strategy and self-discipline.

The trick I give you in order to hold your good resolutions of the year, it is to CHEAT! To cheat against your too big and thus paralyzing expectations, but without denying them and choosing only small insignificant resolutions. To cheat against your laziness which says you to wait that an event arises because you aren’t able to achieve yourself a change as big as the one that you wait for in your life, but without minimizing your expectations toward the life. The trick I give you to succeed to act rather than to wait, it is to not take good resolutions for the year to come, but to take good resolutions for the two next years!

Begin by identifying the change that you wish to see arising in your life, two years later from now on. Then work on finding an intermediate objective to carry out during the current year. Not everything in your life will change when you’ll have reach your intermediate objective, but then you will be closer to the state you try to achieve.

There are multiple psychological advantages to proceed like that. To begin with, defining an intermediate objective forces you to think about what you need to change before aiming straight forward for the change. That forces you to define a methodology to reach your final goal. And building a strategy is the beginning of the action. To think in that terms is already putting the process of fulfillment on the way: you’re no more going to be different later on, you right now begin to change. And you can’t change what you are without changing your mind. What is actually painful. Yet if you don’t make the effort to think about the work you have to undertake in order to change yourself, then you have no chance to succeed in that task. Now, to validate a good resolution over two years forces you to accept this established fact.

Then the second thing which throws you into the action is that the intermediate objective doesn’t particularly make you dream: therefore, the work to be done will be conceived as work. No more time loss building castles in the sky, no more waste of time passed to daydream in “what life will be good when I’ll have reached my goal …”. Defining an intermediate objective to reach is also a way to think in terms of “movement” rather than in terms of “state”: we are not thinking anymore like “My life is just crap right now… what a loser am I…” and “That is going to be so great when …”. We are not anymore in the magical change of state, but in the transformation of present to build future. And that’s actually exactly how things work.

Finally, besides psychological tricks, the intermediate objective also is a real help, it is like to add a step between two floors: then you can use your legs to push you upward, not only your arms to pull you. As the intermediate objective is easier to reach than the final goal, you will be less afraid to undertake the task, you will be less tempted to say “later”. And then, when it has been reached, as you already have invested time and energy to change, you will be more motivated to end the work the next year!

Having said that, I can hear some whispering at the back of the room, as somebody begins discussing with his neighbor: ” yeah, well, all this stuff is cool, but the guy isn’t really in a hurry, is he? Two years, can you imagine? While all the others hold their good resolutions in a single year? Better trying to motivate ourselves and then go, shouldn’t we? ” And his neighbor, answering: ” what the guy said is still not stupid, but why not trying to reach the intermediate goal AND the final one during the same year? ”

Well, if they had asked me their question, I shall have answered them: ” it is better to move forward two times slower than not at all by taking good resolutions to hold in one year only and not to do what is required to make it happen … And then, does two years really seem so long to you? Please, let’s be serious just one moment: over the last 20 or 30 years, how many good resolutions in the year did you really hold? So, what are you really risking taking a shot with this method, besides losing only one more year? Besides, I agree with you. Two years is long. But as a result, that also gives you responsibilities: at first in the objectives you set, and then in their realization. Imagine all the life time lost if you head for useless objectives or if you don’t finally achieve them after two years? The issue with the idea of setting the final goal the same year than the intermediate one is that this tactic cancels a part of the psychological hack. Doing so, you remain focused all the way on the final goal, instead of focusing on the intermediate objective … In the proposed method, the good resolution of the year is to begin to change. To achieve the change is the good resolution of the next year. ”

And then, if you really are in a hurry, nothing prevents you from heading for twice more achievements over the two years to come than you would have over a single year (which means defining two intermediate objectives, one for each of the good resolutions you take) … But then again, there is a psychological limitation: having reached the intermediate goal of the first resolution, you will tend to say yourself: ” that’s it, I made the job. ” And thus, to forget a little bit the other one … There is no magic: changing a lot request a lot of effort. But in the end, it is better to change a little that not at all. To help you to take action, you have full of resources on the web as anti-procrastination hacks.

Last thing I wanted to evoke with you about this trick is that we could think it is more designed to hold a certain kind of good resolutions than another. For example, it’s cool if we wish to manage to jog, by deciding the first year to walk gradually further and further, and next year to run. The method seems far more complicated to apply if we wish for example to go parachuting. In fact, there is always a way to approach the problem indirectly, in a symbolic way. We can for example begin by taking climbing lessons and going on roller coasters in amusement parks the first year, in order to become used to emptiness and fall feeling, then take address and phone number of a center that can make you go parachuting the next one.



You now have enough material to develop your strategy to face the future. The NeuroHack-Learning team wishes you an excellent year 2018. Could it let your dreams begin to come true!

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Motivation – Beyond the limits

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“Nick” (Nicholas James) Vujicic was born without arms nor legs in 1982 in Melbourne (however he has two feet, one of which with two toes). He is the director of Life Without Limbs2, a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to the people living with a handicap. He is requested in particular by the American schools to intervene in public awareness campaigns on the tyranny of the other people’s opinion and the persecution of certain children by their schoolmates1.

What’s impressive with Nick is his energy and love of life… and that’s just STUPEFYING! When we know that he almost committed suicide when he was 8 years old and that he inspires now a lot of people, that’s impelling!

Just imagine as life can be complicated when we have no limbs. Everything becomes a challenge! Nick had to learn how to brush his teeth with his feet! And also to type despite his handicap … Besides, he is an accounting and financial planning graduate. In brief, he’s a man who not only succeeded to integrate socially in spite of his enormous handicap, but moreover who contributes to improve society via the association he created!

With his association, he travels the world to give conferences, in particular at le Havre (France) in 20173 in which he talks about his life, his questionings, his doubts and his hopes, and what allowed him to move forward, not to lose heart during harsh times. Among others, he explains that his parents always taught to him to be grateful “for what life had given him”. He also explains that it is to see a newspaper article showing a man facing a severe handicap that made him perceive the others’ pain1. Finally, he tells that he realized that the others also were attentive to his efforts and that he was de facto a source of inspiration, of motivation for them1.

Nick with his wife and son

Nick also has a Facebook page, which allows him to pursue the work of his association4. He is the author of several books (see below).

The last thing we’ll say in this article is Nick’s main message: say to yourself that if HE was able to overcome his handicap so much that he transformed it into an asset to meet an exceptional fate, YOU are able to face the difficulties you encounter in your life!

Look further / Useful link(s)


1■ Wikipedia Article about Nick Vujicic

2■ Nick Vujicic’s association website

3■ Nick Vujici conference at le Havre on 07/14/2017

4■ Nick Vujicic’s facebook page

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We ARE what we EAT!

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Nowadays, science verifies more and more this old proverb. Indeed, we begin to realize the enormous influence that our food has on our physical and mental health, on our feelings and our way of thinking.



Why? Because the food we gulp down has contact with our digestive system, which is a kind of … a second brain. That could sound strange, but sometimes reality does: not only our digestive system contains neurons, but it contains nothing less than 100 milliards of them1! Connected between them and also with the brain, the one which stands in the head, via the vagus nerve, of which between 80 % and 90 % of fibers are none-reciprocal, and let information pass from the stomach (in particular the small intestine, around which it is rolled up) to the brain2. So it is our digestive system which tells our brain how to behave, and not the opposite!

We thus very well understand that what we eat influences our digestive system, and thus our brain: our feelings, our reflections, etc.

Furthermore, our food also has a direct effect on our intestinal flora, these 100000 billion of small bacteria which develop in our digestive system. But this intestinal flora, which has a very important effect on our body, depends naturally on our food. And from its composition can ensue cardiovascular risks4, anxiety and dépression2, autism4, obesity4, neurological diseases (as the Parkinson’s disease5), diabetes4, cancer4, as well as disorders in our hormonal and immune systems 2.


  1. A research team led by Mark Kahn, of the university of Pennsylvania, showed that the risk of developing cavernomes (vascular malformations resulting in risks of brain haemorrhages) depended on the intestinal flora of an individual. To prove that, they identified certain bacteria of the intestinal flora of mouse freeing a toxin susceptible to cross into the body and to generate cavernomes. By preventing the fixation of this toxin in the body of mice, they managed to reduce of 90 % the development of cavernomes in the population of studied mouse, proving the direct link between intestinal flora and appearance of cavernomes.3
  2. Researchers showed the link between intestinal flora and Parkinson’s disease by transplanting the intestinal flora of sick mice in healthy mice, what made reveal the symptoms of the disease in the sane mice. On the other hand, by isolating sick mice in a sterile environment or by treating them with antibiotics (and doing so by eliminating their intestinal flora), the researchers managed to reduce the intensity of the symptoms of the disease.5
  3. A research team led by Floris Fransen identified that the intestinal flora of young individuals differed from that of the old ones. And by transferring the intestinal microbiote of old individuals in young individuals, and vice versa, they managed in a case to generate disorders to the guinea pig and to reduce them in the other one.4
  4. Professor P. Holzer, neuro-gastroenterologist from Graz’s Hospital, was able to observe during large-scale epidemiological studies led on volunteers, that food has an effect on the humor of people, as they eat healthily or not.3



These discoveries are a real revolution: they actually allow to envisage in the future to handle a lot of complex diseases simply by modifying the intestinal flora of the sick person, using for example antibiotics or probiotics.

Well, as prevention is better than cure, pay attention on what you eat!

Look further / Useful link(s)


1■ Documentaire “Les super-pouvoirs de l’intestin” de Juliette Démas, diffusé sur France 5

2■ Article “Intestin grêle – le cerveau de notre cerveau

3■ Article “Quand l’intestin agit sur le cerveau”, magazine La Recherche Juillet-Août 2017

4■ Article “Un lien a été trouvé entre l’état de la flore intestinale et plusieurs maladies liées à l’âge”, Medical Xpress, 2 novembre 2017

5■ Article “La maladie de Parkinson commence bien dans les intestins”, magazine Science & Vie de février 2017

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The mooc for teenagers… and their parents

Hi everybody,

Today, the article’s introduction has airs of official announcement. Actually, this article is not as the others, and that’s for a very good reason: the NeuroHack-Learning team is currently setting up a mooc to offer pupils of middle school and high school a powerful complement to what they can learn from the school system (and specially HOW). Well, yes, school has the information, but doesn’t seem to know well how to pass on it… At the age of neurosciences development, we think it’s a pity that no action is undertaken to learn to our teenagers… how to learn (nor to the parents to help their child without annoying him/her).
In brief, this mooc must be set up for September (FR) or December (ENG) and… that takes us quite a lot of time! As a result, this article (and probably some others in a near future) will have for specific theme the way we finalize this online formation, so you can see how we work. Well, beaten about the bush enough: let’s go!

First of all, first issue: to help our teenagers to learn effectively and to become autonomous, here is a beautiful project, but … what is our target public after all? Who worries about the school performance of teenagers, who have the means and potentially the desire to act?

Teenagers [#applause], of course, are the very first concerned by this mooc. They are obviously the first ones that can act to obtain best scholar results. The action power, they have, but the motivation to do so? Actually, it could be that some teenagers don’t frankly want to invest time and energy to progress in school, essentially because they do not perceive what’s important in there and lost already their motivation having worked (perhaps hard, who knows) for thin results only.

Chats, Animaux, Animaux De Compagnie, Domestiqué, MamanWho else, then? Their parents! If teenagers do not feel pressure having bad or just fair only scholar results, their parents often feel it a little more …
So, this mooc: is it designed for the parents and talking about supervision, or for their children and talking about performance? Well, as we didn’t want to choose, we decided to do both ^^!
Thus, there will be modules about the work’s efficiency, with all sorts of hacks, but also modules about how to plan and check the work, it’s context, other ones about motivation…

Wow, I forgot a thing: of course, there will be also modules about ” what is really a teenager “, from a sociological, psychological and neurological point of view, which will bring clues to parents to understand who is facing them at this moment of their life. It will be the necessary stage after which we can give to them concrete tools to facilitate the dialogue with their children, what is again a prerequisite to talk with them about real subjects (or big troubles if their teenager is dropping out at school or having high-risk behavior).

Travail D'Équipe, Équipe, Gear, Conseil, Craie, Hatch

Well, now, you probably understood it already, that we didn’t want to choose either between:
■ a very theoretical, super-interesting course but with no possible application in the field, and
■ a very “how to do” oriented course, which certainly could help a bit, but won’t propose elaborated solutions to answer the real issues rather than their symptoms.
Thus, we made all the modules in a way that there is always a bit of theory to understand well, and a lot of practice to make it happen in the field.

Well, end of the teaser. We’ll let you know about what’s next during the months to come!


7 tricks to manage the things we have to without procrastination



You are bogged down in the priorities and the delays? You don’t manage anymore to move forward in your life? This article is made for you! Discover what has to change in your behavior to improve yourself and enjoy your life again!

1) Prepare yourself to carry out the painful tasks

Yes, the beginning of an action stands before that the action begins. The hardest is to obtain the adequate state of mind to do things. When we say that it is the first step which costs the most, that’s what it means. The trick is to launch the intellectual conditioning before launching the task. For example, if your problem is to go to sport in the evening after the work, an attitude which is going to help you to go to sport is to take your sports bag with you in the morning by leaving for the work, and to go to the room directly after this one. So, not only you avoid the temptation to stay at home when you go take your bag in the evening, but moreover your temptation to go back home after the work is counterbalanced by the fact you took your sports bag with you in the morning: this action wouldn’t have any point if finally you would not go to sports now that this is after work, would it?

2) Reserve specific spaces for the specific tasks

It is important to separate places dedicated to the various activities. In particular, the moments of relaxation and the working moments have to take place in different spaces (different places, different rooms, different desks). This is also a matter to condition yourself to do something.

When you arrive in your workspace, you know that you are here to work. But if your workspace is also your space of leisure, the temptation to slide from one to another will be bigger …

3) Do a schedule

This is the logical result of the two first points: the schedule allows you to get the good state of mind before the task really begins, and then helps you not to do something else at the appropriate moment of the day, as it will ask an effort to your brain to change the course of your day. It is important to write your schedule: ” the words fly away, but the papers stay! ” they said.

4) Begin with the unpleasant things and finish by those which are pleasant

Because now you’re going to define your schedule, begin by planning to do the unpleasant things at first. This advice stands for several reasons: at first, if you begin with the pleasant things, your pleasure will be ruined by your knowing that the unpleasant things are coming (as said previously, your brain is conditioned to do things in the planned order, and thus the tasks to come are already loaded in your mind). Then, you will have no difficulty in throwing away the unpleasant tasks when the time has come to enjoy your life. On the other hand, the temptation not to respect anymore the planned program is bigger when you plan to do them in the reversed (wrong?) order …

5) Build up yourself a routine

Don’t underestimate the power of the habit. If your daily schedules are seemingly the same from day to day, very fast, you will go into a positive cycle. This statement stands for several reasons. At first, you will gain in self-confidence: if you succeed to do what you had to do the day before, why should you fail this time? Then, the necessary intellectual mechanisms to undertake the task is always the same, and if doing this task turns to be regular, your brain “will configure” mechanically and automatically to make the tasks planned at the planned moment.

6) To remember why you do things

A precious motivation is to remember why we do things, which are their utility. An interesting story that tells why is the following one. In the Middle Ages, a traveler meets a gloomy man standing in the roadside, a hammer and a chisel in hand. He asks him for what is he doing, and the man answers: “I break pebbles.”. A little farther, he meets another man, concentrated on his task, with the same tools in hand as the first one. He asks him for what is he doing, and the man answers: “I work to feed my family.” Finally, he meets a third man, equipped as the first ones, but in ecstasy. And when the traveler asks him for what is he doing, he answers: “I build a cathedral!”

7) Think to the others

Said like that, it can seem ridiculously right-thinking. But in fact, it is just realistic: except in exceptional circumstances, your life has nothing exceptional and the difficulties that you meet are the same that those the other people meet in your circle of acquaintances. It should help you to put in perspective your own difficulty assuming certain unattractive tasks. Furthermore, observe the others: let yourself be inspired by the behavior of those who manage apparently to overcome the difficulties which are blocking for you at the present.

I hope this list can be useful to you. See you!

THE international best-seller that inspired others:

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity, from David Allen

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Memorizing a PIN code or another number sequence

Transcript of the video translated in English :

Today we gonna learn one of the most effective methods of numbers memorization. This method is used by all the champions of memory and also by mentalists, in order to remember any sequence of numbers: PIN codes, years, anniversaries, digital codes to enter buildings, phone numbers etc. …

Well, this memorization method is very effective because the idea of the tip is to make doing to our brain two things he likes to do: viewing an image and telling a story.

So, we are going to transform numerals into images and to invent a story using these images. Using this method, I need less than one minute to memorize a sequence of numbers, and after that I perfectly remember it for a very long time. Don’t worry: the first time you will do it, you will need a little more time, as you’ll have to set up the universal system which you will then always use.

You can create any system you want, but here I will show you mine. You can modify it if you want to use images that fit you better than mine.

Here are the ten images I use to remember the ten numerals (from 0 to 9):
0 = egg
1 = Eiffel tower
2 = swan
3 = pair of buttocks
4 = sail
5 = serpent
6 = sprouted pea
7 = set square
8 = glasses
9 = umbrella

I need to memorize the number 4138. Even if I repeat it 5 times, I will soon forget it as I have other informations to memorize during the day!

But after transforming it into images, we have: a sail, the Eiffel tower, a pair of buttocks and glasses. Now, we have to make a story out of these images:

At first, we have no connection between a sail and the Eiffel tower, but the Eiffel tower stands into Paris, which is a great touristic place. And the sail could be a windsurf, which is also associated in my mind with holidays, then tourism! So let’s say that my story is about a surfer who’s going to Paris during his holidays. Let’s go now with buttocks and glasses. Well, glasses are not meant for buttocks… No problem: we will make it our idea! If we sit down on our glasses, we break it. I got it! The surfer broke his glasses by sitting on it, and then had to avoid his holidays in Paris.

So that’s my story: a SURFER avoided his holidays in PARIS, because he SAT DOWN on his GLASSES.

A SURFER (sail) avoided his holidays in PARIS (Eiffel tower), because he SAT DOWN (buttocks) on his GLASSES. 41-38!

Let’s repeat this story another time, while we try to imagine the images:

A SURFER avoided his holidays in PARIS, because he SAT DOWN on his GLASSES.

If you do it again one hour later, and tonight again before going to sleep, you will remember the story and then the number sequence foy days.

Try it and you’ll remember for a long time this SURFER who avoided his holidays in PARIS because he SAT DOWN on his GLASSES!